用三个也许组一句话? 。”那么,用三个也许组一句话?一起来了解一下吧。
天阴沉沉的,还不时感觉阵阵的刺冷。小红不知道朋友那边到底发生什么事了,总有一丝不祥的感觉,约好的时间一分一分的不停往后走,她坐在桥头的石墩上,不时的看着桥的那头,天色渐渐的暗下来,心里难免有些不安起来。也许是他没赶上车?那不可能啊,从他家来每五分钟就有一辆拉人的黑面包,也许是家里有事耽搁了,那也不可能啊,他做事从来都守时的,那也许是路上遇到什么人需要帮助?他这个总那么热心肠,小红喜欢他的也是这一点,但也不至于他会忘记这个约定的,最糟糕的事,小红也是最不敢去想的,但也许也是最有可能的,因为家里人反对他俩在一起,这次约好的出逃计划说不定被他家里人知道了,小红想到这,心里想死的心都有,但她还是坚守着... ...
along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that some advertisement become more and more badly for us. some business advertisement lies to us . as society develops, people are attaching much importance to the business advertisement. people are attaching more and more importance to the advertisement on the tv. people from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case.the business make money by these advertisement ,but for the society it is badly and for the seller it is lieing. after a thorough consideration, for my part, my favour of the advertisement ,we must confuse it and don't believe it,we need support that in the emotion for the people. 你可以借鉴一下,写得不是很好,希望对你有所帮助。